During the months of January-August 2023, the results of the fight against drug addiction and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors have been comparatively analyzed and summarized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission. ...
More..A small amount of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors were destroyed by burning by the Commission for the Destruction of Confiscated Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors operating in the region, on the basis of a total of 73 court rulings with the joi...
More..The permanent Working Group of the State Commission continues to publish new social boards with educational slogans and special warning texts in order to organize the preparation and distribution of educational materials in the direction of further expanding the effectiveness and scope of preventive...
More..An educational event was organized in order to strengthen propaganda work among the prisoners in prisons № 12 and 13 of the Penitentiary Service about the harm of drug addiction to society and human health within the framework of the implementation of the Action Plan approved between the Mini...
More..25 new social boards prepared on the harm of drug addiction "20 January", "Academy of Sciences", "Darnagul", "Youth", "Nariman Narimanov", "Builders", "Friendship of Peoples", "Ahmedli", "Nasimi", It was installed in "Koroglu", "Hazi Aslanov" and other stations and is intended for long-term display ...
More..In total, 77 cases of destruction of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors were destroyed by burning by the Commission for Destruction of Confiscated narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors operating in the region with the joint organization of the permane...
More..During the months of January-July 2023, the results of the fight against drug addiction and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors have been comparatively analyzed and summarized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission. A total of 6,69...
More..On August 25, an educational event was organized in prisons № 1 and 7 of the Penitentiary Service on the harm of drug addiction to society and human health in order to strengthen propaganda work among prisoners within the framework of the implementation of the approved Action Plan betw...
More..On August 18, an educational event on the fight against drug addiction was organized in penitentiary institution № 4 and in the Educational institution for minors within the framework of the implementation of the approved Action Plan between the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and th...