The coverage of public awarness events are being expanded.

   According to the relavant order and instruction of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan,the Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking Mr.Ali Hasanov, due to the execution of the 4.4.16 paragraph of the Action Plan on implementation og the”State Program for 2013-2018 on illegal turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursorsand fight against drug addiction”, it is envisaged to hold awareness eventsby the Working Group of the State Commision  in educational institutes among educational workers, schoolchildren and students in order to inform them about the destructive effects of the drug to the human health,the commited social problems,in addition, for propagation purposes the awareness events on the topic ”Let’s learn the reality about the drug”are aimed to be held in April of the current year in Shaki, Gakh, Gabala, Oguz, Zagatala, Balakan, Agsu, Gobustan cities and regions.

   At the same time,the participants will be provided with the necessary propanganda materials.

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