The new printing products designed to enhance awareness

  State Commission’s Working Group prepared new printing materials on non-medical use of drugs, prevention of drug abuse and psychotropic substances. The materials are designed for educators, medical professionals, parents and minors, and for the employees of education, youth and sports organizations. The project is related with the implementation of the relevant provisions of the State Program for the years of 2013-2018 on the fight against illicit trafficking and abuse of Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. Ten thousand of copies are printed on different names.

  During the current year The Working Group of the State Commission planned to distribute new printing materials at the social and educational events with different names such as “Let us to think our future together and to say no to drugs”, “Believe yourself, love to live and say no to drugs”, "For the sake of a healthy life, stay away from drugs," "Drugs poses a great threat to the future of humanity ", “The truth about marijuana”, “ The truth about the drugs”.

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