The remedial actions were held at the prisons in order to strengthen the popularization

   The Ministry of Justice’s Penitentiary service and the Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against drug Abuse and Illegal Drug Dispensing are held remedial actions according to the “Plan of Measures” confirmed for 2017. The meeting is organized at 2 and 17 numbered prisons on 31 January 2017.

   The Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against Drug Abuse and Illegal Drug Dispensing, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Health, the National Drug Center, and the State Commission on the Family, Women and Children Affairs were represented at the assembly. As addressing to the prisoners the officials are talked on the pernicious effects of drugs to the human body, the tragedies caused by the drug abuse and on the AİDS. The representatives are highlighted and delivered theirs’ recommendations on the malicious effects of this consummation and spread of the use of the narcotics.

   The video materials creating a clear idea about the consequences of drug and drug addiction were demonstrated during the event. Moreover, the booklets, the warning papers and this kind of other educative printing materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission are distributed among the prisoners.

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