To develope effectivveness and intensivity of the prophilactic measures new training and workshop is hold at the Xachmaz district

   According to the instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Chairman of the State Commission on Fight against Illicit Trafficking of Drugs Mr. Ali Hasanov, the Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking of Drugs, carried out new training and workshops, on 01 May 2017, at the Xachmaz district in order to improve effectivveness and intensivity of the prophilactic measures. The new trainings are related with the execution of the Article 4.4.23 of the “State Program on drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors’ illegal trafficking during the 2013-2018 years” in order to prepare new trainers in this field.

   So that, the employees of the Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking of Drugs, the member of local commissions, teachers and methodists were present during the event that hold at the Xachmaz district.

   The representatives of the Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against Illicit Trafficking of Drugs talked around the theme and  highlighted importance of the continuity of the measures in prevention of the drug addiction. They also spoke on the envolvement of the members of the communities and reliogous figures to these measures, the expansion of relations between the municipalities, the police institutions, the educators, the labor groups and the relevant committees, on the damages of the drugs to the human beaing and people, the expansion of public awareness, the monitoring of the destination of narcotic wild plant species, the discovery of these crops planted areas. They lectured on the organiziation of expeditions to the distribution zones in order to destroy the wild spread of narcotic plants, the explaination of  the provisions of the legislation and the demands of the population on the continuity of the activities on fight against narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors'  illegal trafficking.

   Also, the warning papers and the methodological materials prepared  by the Working Group of the State Commission are (also in electronic forms) distributed among the participants of the event.

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