An event titled "Youth of Sabail district says no to drugs!" was hold

   To promote healthy lifestyles among teenagers, to avoiding habits that are harmful to their life, on the 20th of October this year, within the framework of the activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of fight against drug addiction an event titled "Youth of Sabail district says no to drugs!" was organized, on October 20 of the current year, by the District Commission on fight against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking in Sabail District Executive Power in the assembly hall of Educational Complex 132-134 in the center of the capital.

   The Deputy Head of Sabail District Executive Power, the Working Group of the State Committee on fight against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Drugs, the elders, the pedagogical workers, the religious figures, the public figures, the high school pupils of secondary schools were present during the event and the Director of the Educational Complex welcomed the guests and participants of the event and informed about the purpose of the event.

   Those who spoke at the event noted that all over the country serious challenges for strengthening the fight against drug addiction, anti-drug propaganda, reintegration of drug addicts, improvement of legislation and other issues were put forward. They declared that drug addiction has an adverse impact on our society, our state, and in humanity as overall.

   A film about the complications of drug addiction was demonstrated at the event, recommendations were given to teenagers to avoid drug addiction and to fight this catastrophe in society, valuable advice was given, listeners' proposals were listened to and the questions were answered.

   At the end of the event, the visual aids prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking were handed over to the school library and distributed booklets showing the complications of drug addiction.

   The event was broadcasted through the AzTV Television channel.

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