Public awareness event was held in Narimanov

   In connection with the implementation of the “State Program on Drug Trafficking, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors for 2013-2018”, awareness-raising event was held on 29 November at the conference room of the Narimanov District Executive Power initiated by the above mentioned Executive Power.

   Attending the event, the representatives of the relevant state bodies spoke on the subject, including the disastrous effects of drugs on the human body, the disaster caused by the drug addiction, the importance of the district commission's attention to the prevention of drug addiction, the involvement of public figures and religious figures in such events, expansion of relations between municipalities, police authorities, education personnel, labor collectives and relevant commissions. They provided information and recommendations on prevention of ways of spread of AIDS and other terrible illnesses and wide-ranging discussions were held around the questions of the event participants.

       The necessary visual aids prepared by the State Commission's Working Group were distributed to the participants.

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