An educational event was held in prisons numbered 10 and 11

   In accordance with the approved Action Plan for 2018 between the Penitentiary Service of theMinistry of Justice and the Working Groupon Fight against Drug Trafficking, the preventive measures were carriedoutat penitentiary institutions numbered 10 and 11, onMarch 30.

    Representatives of the Working Groupon Figh tagainst Drug Addiction and DrugTrafficking, the Interior Ministry, Ministry of Health and theRepublican AIDS Center have madespeecheson the theme of drugabuse, thedestructiveeffects of drug son the humanbody, the tragediescaused by drugaddiction, AIDS, and gave information and recommendationson the way of spread of the other terrible illnesses. Attheend, a video was showntocreate a clearpicture of the consequences of thedrug and drugaddiction, including thenecessary educational materials prepared by the State Commission's Working Group were distributed among prisoners. Inaddition, thereadingroom of the penitentiary service was provided with visualaids.

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