Information on the outcomes of the fight against illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the country during 3 months of 2018

    Results of the fight against drug trafficking in the country during 3 months of 2018 have been summarized in the Working Group of the State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking.

    Thus, during the three months of the current year, law enforcement agencies revealed 887 cases of drug trafficking of which 304 were illegal for the purpose of selling, storing, transporting of  drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors, 564 were illegal acquisition and storage of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors without the purpose of sale, 6 illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 13 were consisted of others. 519 kg 631,681 g of different types of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors and 160 units of hump bushes were seized from the illegal turnover.

    The cofiscated drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors consisted of 263 kg 197,362grams of marijuana (50,6%), 87 kg 259,777 grams of opium (16,8%), 135 kg of 722,762 grams of heroin (26,2%), 27 kg 467, 44 grams of hashish (5.3%), 4 kg 368.229 g others (0.8%), 1 kg of 616.111 g psychotropic substances (0.3%) and 4490 pills.

    493 persons were involved in criminal responsibility of which 1 was under 18, 36 were under 18-25, 60 were under 26-29, 396 were over 30 including 4 workers, 420 unemployed, 1 agricultural worker, one officer or financial officer, 177 persons previously committed crimes, 489 men, 4 women and 8 foreigners of which 1500 grams of drugs vehicles and psychotropic substances were taken from. 3 foreigners were from Russian Federation, 2from Islamic Republic of Iran, 2from Ukrainian, and 1was the citizen of Turkmenistan.

   According to the data of the Republican Narcological Center of the Ministry of Health of 31.12.2017, 30,131 people were registered at the center of whom 25,139 were registered in dispensaries, 4992 were in preventive registration. 595 of them were women, 212 were toxic and 21038 (470 women) drug users. 2115 people have been registered in 2017 and 1432 have been unregistered.

   According to the data of the Center for Combating AIDS, the number of newly discovered HIV infected people in Azerbaijan during three months of 2018 was 148, 145 of them (98%) were the citizens of Azerbaijan and 3 (2%) of them were foreigners.

    In general, 6903 HIV-infected people were registered in the Republican AIDS Center from 1987 to 01 April 2018 for the first time in Azerbaijan, of which 6680 (96.8%) were the citizens of Azerbaijan, 223 (3.2%) are foreigners, 5037 (73%) of people infected with HIV are men and 1866 (27%) are women.

   In 3087 (44.7%) of the 6903 confirmed HIV cases, HIV infection resulted from injecting drug use, 2270 (73.5%) of them were registered in the dispensary. As of 01.04.2018, the total number of HIV-positive patients attending ART was 4367, of which 1823 were IDUs. During the three months of the current year, 18 out of 160 patients attending ART were identified  INI.

   8056 people sent to the Republican Narcological Center by the Ministry of Internal Affairs underwent medical examinations for all types of intoxication of persons  during the relevant period of 2018. 1043 of them were examined for drug use and 551 users were identified and registered accordingly.

   Also, 784 patients were admitted to hospital for treatment during the reporting period, 253 of whom were admitted to treatment with “Mental and behavioral disorders as a result of alcohol” (F10), 529 patients with ‘Mental and behavioral disorders as a result of opioid admission’ (F11). At the same time, 230 patients are receiving treatment in two centers under  methadone substitution treatment programs. 179 of them are at the Republican Narcological Center and 51 are in the AIDS Center.

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