An awareness event was held in Sabunchu district.

   According to the” State Program on the  illegal turnover of narcotic drugs , psychotropic substances and their precursors and struggle against drug addiction for the years 2013-2018” an awareness event was held  in educational institutions among  educational workers and  pupils in order to propagandize the destructive impact of the narcotics on human body, their social consequences and at  the same time for propaganda purposes  an awareness event was held at Sabunchu district secondary school # 311 to inform the participants about the harmful effects of narcotic drugs to society and human health.

   The Responsible worker of Sabunchu District Executive Power, the Head of Sabunchu District Police Department, the officials of  the Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking and Republican Narcological Center made speeches about the topic and   gave detailed and  awareness information concerning the problem .

   At the end of the event  wide-ranging discussions were held on the issues  that made a great interest in the participants  and the participants were provided with the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission.

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