On June 22 of the current year, the Working Group of the State Commission together with the Executive Power of Sabail District held an awareness event in the assembly hall of the district in connection with June 26 on 'Struggling Day against Drugs"of UNO.
The first Deputy Mayor of the Sabail District Executive Power, the employees of the Working Group of theState Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking, the district police department, the district youth department , veterans, religious figures, teachers and psychologists took part in the event. The representatives of the relevant state agencies made speeches on the subject, dwelling on the effects of drugs on the human body, the disaster caused by drug addiction raising the attention of the district commission to the measures to be taken to prevent drug addiction involving public figures and religious figures, municipalities, police agencies, education workers, labor collectives and recommendations on how to expand ties between the collectives and relevant commissions, giving information about the ways how AIDS and other terrible illnesses spread and widespread discussions were held with the participants about the issues of interest.
At the end, the necessary visual aids prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were distributed to the participants.