A conference on "Strengthening the fight against drug addiction among youth" was held at Park Inn Baku.

  The  State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking and the Ministry of Youth and Sport held a conference on June 25,2018 on " Srtengthening  the fight against drug addiction among youth" at Park Inn Baku in connection with the June 26 -the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

   Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking Mr. Ali Hasanov, the Minister Youth and Sports Mr Azad Rahimov, Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mr Mubariz Gurbanli, deputies of the national parliament Hadi Rajabli, Azay Guliyev and Shahin Ismayilov, members of the State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking, chairmen of regional commissions for Baku, representatives of the UN Office in Azerbaijan, representatives of international and local humanitarian organizations, other guests and mass media took part in the event.

  The conference was held in accordance with the "State Program on the illegal turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and the precursors and fight against drug addiction for the years 2013-2018”   approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated June 24, 2013 No. 2966 to ensure the implementation of the relevant paragraph.

  The conference featured the most successful works of the Azerbaijan Customs Service in the international exhibitions and competitions in the fight against drug addiction, and this exhibition has influenced the sensitivity of the importance of the fight against drug addiction, which is now one of the most difficult and dangerous global challenges.

   Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and illicit Drug Trafficking Ali Hasanov, the Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov,the member of the YAP(New Azerbaijan Party) Political Council, editor-in-chief of the” Two Sahil” newspapers, and young journalists on the topic "Combating Drug Addiction" well-known author of the competition  Vugar Rahimzadeh, MP Shahin Ismayilov and others made a speech at the event and spoke about the work done in the fight against drug addiction and illicit drug trafficking in Azerbaijan and the importance of the competition. The government provided detailed information on the state of the fight against drug addiction and illicit drug trafficking in the country and measures taken in this area.

  Ali Hasanov said that national legal basis was established in Azerbaijan to combat against drug trafficking: "The Milli Majlis adopted 29 laws about it and   Azerbaijani Presidents - National Leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev signed 29 decrees  and orders, the Cabinet of Ministers has made 27 decisions. . In addition, Azerbaijan has joined " The Convention on Combating against Drug Addiction and Psychotropic  Substances"of 1988, the United Nations Convention against Drugs of 1961, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971.   Besides, Ali Hasanov said that "Azerbaijan's geographical location is very convenient for illegal transportation of narcotics to Europe .As a result of the occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan's territory by Armenia's Armed Forces,the control of the Armenian armed forces on the  132rd km of the state border with Iran made them an opportunity carry out drug tafficking to Europe  including the Black Sea Basin countries, as well as other countries . The production of narcotics in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the large amount of income generated by the sale of terrorist groups to the creation and training of terrorists further increase the scope of the threat. "

   At the same time, it was noted that the purpose of the competition on the topic "Strengthening the fight against drug addiction" was to promote the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the mass media, thereby raising the awareness of the public, especially young people, promoting the increase in the number of publications in the media and the creativity of young journalists to create conditions for the demonstration.

  The main purpose of today's event is ,countries included in the 1987 UN Convention  according to the Declaration on" Fight against drug addiction and illicit drug  trafficking" , an awarded event was held for the journalists who became a winner of the Best Writing Contest Competition among journalists on topic  June 26 "World Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking, and " Fight against drug abuse. .

   Due to the implementation of paragraph 4.1.16 of the State Program by the initiative of the Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit  Drug Trafficking in 2017, the presentation of the survey conducted among 1000 teenagers and young people was demonstrated. with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan commending a non-governmental organization based on the ESPAD study methodology  covering the epidemiological situation with the use of alcohol, alcohol and drugs among young people and monitoring their dynamics in  Yasamal, Nizami, Sabunchu districts of Baku city including Ganja, Sumgayit, Lankaran, Shirvan, Salyan, Yevlakh, Kurdamir cities and regions.

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