Information on the outcome of the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the country during 9 months of 2018.

    Results of the struggle against drug trafficking in the country during 9 months of 2018 are summarized in the Working Group of the State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

    Thus, during 9 months of the current year, law enforcement agencies revealed 2641 cases of drug trafficking, 834 of which were illegal for the purpose of selling, storing, transporting of the psychotropic substances or their precursors, 1527 illegally acquired and stored drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors without the purpose of sale, 229 illegally cultivating crops, and 51 others. According to the facts, 2 tons 179 kg of 111,716 grams of various types of narcotics, including 10140 hemp handle were confiscated from the illegal turnover.

 The confiscated drugs, psycotropic substances and their precursors consisted of 628kg 066,092g  marijuana (28.9%), 316 kg of 395.602 g opium (14.5%), 1 ton 072 kg 475.986 grams of heroin (49.2%),56kg 526,795 hashish (2,6%), 96 kg 456,2 grams others (4,4%), 4 kg 345,299 grams of psychotropic substances (0,2%), 4 kg 845,732 precursors (0,2%),at the same time 2 kg 184.1 grams of highly effective substance, 1 kg 533.2 grams of toxic substances, 0.01 gram Lysergide (LSD) (140 carton plates of 0.7x0.7), 397 vials 100% of mydrax and 18788.

  Also, 132 tons 165 kg 418 gr (248 thousand 802 pieces) of drugs containing 421 hectares of land were collected and destroyed in green masses with the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, State Border Service and other relevant bodies.

    1841 people were involved to criminal responsibility, of whom 7 were aged between 16 and 18, 118 were aged 18-25, 235 were under 26-29, 1481 were over 30, including 24 workers, 1566 5 unemployed, 1 official or financially resposible  person, 1 agricultural worker, 690 offenders, 12 previously registered, 1814 men and 27 women. Among the respondents, 48 were foreign citizens, of which more than 100 kg of different types of drugs were taken from. 34 foreigners were from the  Islamic Republic of Iran, 4 from the Russian Federation, 5 from Georgia, 2from Turkey and 2 from Ukraine and 1 from the Republic of Turkmenistan 

   According to the data of the Republican Narcological Center of the Ministry of Health of 31.12.2017, 30.131 people were registered at the Center, of whom 25,139 were dispensaries and 4,992 were in preventive registration. 595 of them are women, 212 are toxic and 21038 (470 women) are injecting drug users. 2115 people were registered in 2017 and 1432 people were unregistered.

 During the third quarter of 2018, 22986 people have been examined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the purpose of determining all types of intoxication of persons sent to the Republican Narcological Center of the Ministry of Health. 2751 of them were examined for drug use and 1396 users were found out and registered.

   Also, 2971 people were admitted to hospital for treatment, 748 of whom were admitted to treatment with mental and behavioral disorders (F10), 2216 were diagnosed with "mental and behavioral disorders as a result of opioid admission" (F11). At the same time, 289 patients are receiving treatment within the framework of the program in four other treatment programs. 130 of them are at the Republican Narcological Center, 70 in AIDS Center, 12 in Sumgayit City Interregional Dispensary and 77 in Baku City Narcological Dispensary.

     According to the Ministry of Health AIDS Center, the number of newly discovered HIV infections in Azerbaijan in the first 9 months of 2018 was 497, of which 482 (96.9%) were citizens of Azerbaijan, 15 (3 , 1%)were foreigners.

    In general, 7249 HIV-infected people were registered in the Republican AIDS Center from 1987 to 01 October 2018 for the first time in Azerbaijan, of which 7014 (96.8%) were citizens of Azerbaijan, 235 (3.2%) are foreigners, 5271 (72.7%) of people infected with HIV and 1978 (27.3%) are women.

    From 3144 (43.4%) of 7249 confirmed HIV cases, HIV infection resulted from injection drug use, 2262 (72%) of them were registered in the dispensary. According to 01.10.2018, the total number of HIV-positive patients attending  ART was 4757, of which 1901 were IDUs. During the 9 months of the current year IDU was found out in 96 people from 550 patients that were attracted to ART .

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