Awareness-raising events are planned to be held on "Learn the truth about drugs and psychotropic substances".

   According to the relevant order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking Mr. Ali Hasanov,due the "State Program for 2013-2018 on the illegal turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and fight against drug addiction" on execution of Action Plan 4.4 (Section 4.4 on Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Enlightenment Measures) an awareness-raising events are intended to be held in Baku general secondary boarding schools on the theme "Learn the truth about drugs" for the pupils deprived of parental care and for those who lost their parents.

   Also, the events will cover the delivering of  warning information about narcotic drugs, distribution of necessary propaganda materials, and dissemination of a social video that propagandize  a healthy lifestyle.

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