The first preparatory meeting was held relating to the 36th International Conference on Drug Abuse that will be held in Baku next year.

The first preparatory meeting was held in the Cabinet of Ministers on November 23 relating to the 36th International Conference on Fight Against Drugs that will be held in Baku in 2019.

At the meeting with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan,the Chairman of the State Commission for the Prevention of Drug Trafficking and the Organizing Committee,  Ali Hasanov,issues were discussed due to   the order of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with setting up Organizing Committee related to the  36th International Conference on Fight Against Drugs that will be held in Baku in 2019.

Chairman of the State Customs Committee Mr. Safar Mehdiyev, Head of Security and Defense Department of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers Gulu Imanguliyev, Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Frauds in the Customs Service Masum Rasulov, Head of the Main Narcotics Drug Enforcement Department Hazi Aslanov, Foreign Affairs and Finance representatives of the ministries and the head of IDEC Ankara City Office Mr. Clement Sze, the Ankara City Investigator Mr. Adnan Mert and the Special Agent of the Ankara Anti-Drug Administration of Ankara Jarod Sumner participated in the event.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Ali Hasanov, who opened the meeting, welcomed the efforts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which considers the fight against illicit drug trafficking as a universal task, joining the relevant United Nations conventions, establishing a national legal base in our country, as a result of the effective activity of President Ilham Aliyev. Our country has achieved great success in all areas, and our statehood, political and economic independence has been strengthened, ensuring sustainable andmaintainable development of the country, rapidly modernizing, and highlighting Azerbaijan's position among speedily developing countries.

Mentioning that the whole world is suffering from this scourge, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the conference to be held with the support of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration is a sign that our country's partnership with international organizations is at a high level.

Director of the Anti-Drug Administration of Ankara Office Clement Sze made a speech at the meeting and spoke about the importance of this international conference and shared his views on organizational issues.

Later on, IDEC's commitments in this area, as well as exchange of views on all the proposals and questions were made in the framework of mutual cooperation of preparatory works related to the necessary and essential organizational tasks and responsibilities of the host government of Azerbaijan.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ali Hasanov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, conveyed to the attention of the meeting participants the high level of the event to be held next year in our country.

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