Event was held at Sabunchu district school № 148 on "Drug addiction is mankind's tragedy".

An awareness event on "Drug addiction is mankind's tragedy"  was held on November 28, 2018,  by the organization of Sabunchu District Executive Power, the Sabunchu District Police Office, the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking with the school No 148, located in Bakikhanov settlement of the region.

First Deputy Head of Sabunchu District Executive Power Guloglan Mammadov,the chief of the Police Department of Sabunchu district Eldar Ilyasov, employee of the State Commission on Combating Drug Trafficking Ragif Allahverdiyev, Chief of District Youth and Sports Department Rakif Aliyev and Doctor Narcologist of Ministry of Health of Baku Narcological Dispensary  Parvin Abbasli spoke about the effectiveness of measures to strengthen the fight against the spread of drug addiction in the republic, anti-drug propaganda, prevention of drug trafficking and drug addiction, and the effectiveness of measures to return drug addicts to healthy life and expressed their opinion and proposals in the direction of protection of the health of young generation.

Finally, the guests answered the questions of the students about the subject.

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