Decree on some organizational issues related to holding the 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference in Baku on 16-18 April, 2019

For the purpose of ensuring the implementation of Part 2 of the Decree No. 694 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 15 November 2018 "On the Establishment of the Organizing Committee in connection with holding the 36th International Enforcement Conference  in 2019 in Baku:

1. To establish a Working Group to coordinate and organize organizational issues related to holding the 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference in Baku on 16-18 April 2019:

Head of the Working Group

Natig Mammadov - Deputy Head of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Members of the Working Group on the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

Gulu Imanguliyev - Head of Security and Defense Issues Department;

Agadayi Aghayev - Head of International Relations Department;

Gasim Abdullayev - Head of Communication, Construction and Utilities Department;

Musa Alakbarov - Head of Humanitarian and Social Affairs Department;

Elsan Hajizade - Head of Industry and Energy Department;

Shahin Sadigov - Head of Financial and Economic Affairs Department;

Zemfira Sairbayzadeh - Head of the Department of Regional Development, Agriculture and Ecology;

Vefa Aliyeva - Head of the Department of Documents and Citizens' Appeals;

Akif Ali - Head of Press Service;

Khalid Gasimli - Deputy Head of Legal Department;

Suleyman Shafiyev - Chief of Staff;

Ramin Talıblı - Deputy Prime Minister's Assistant.

Members of the working group on other bodies:

Oruj Zalov - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Araz Azimov - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Ilgar Fatizade - First Deputy Finance Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Elsevar Aghayev - Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Ali Abdullayev - First Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Sevinj Hasanova - Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Vilayat Zakhirov - Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Firudin Gurbanov - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Intigam Babayev - Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Rafig Bayramov - Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Rustam Usubov - First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Asker Abdullayev - Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Aynur Sofiyeva - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ismayil Bagirov - Deputy Chief of the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Asif Jabrayilov - Deputy Chief of State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Gafar Jabiyev - Deputy Chairman of the National Television and Radio Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Rashad Nasirov - Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan TV and Radio Broadcasting Company;

Daghbayi Ismayilov - Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Azerbaijan State Information Agency";

Rahman Gurbanov - Vice President of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Ramin Yusifov - Deputy Chairman of "Azerishigh" OJSC;

Seymur Seyidov - Deputy Chairman of "Azersu" OJSC;

Sabir Ilyasov - First Vice President of "Azerbaijan Airlines" CJSC;

Faraset Gurbanov - Executive Director of the Secretariat of the Council for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Elgin Habibullayev - Head of the Baku City Executive Power;

Rauf Zeyni - President of the Azerbaijan National Non-Governmental Organization Forum;

Fakhan Shahverdiyev - Head of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking.

2. To approve "Action plan on holding the 36th International Enforcement Conference in Baku in 2019" (attached).

3. Issues arising from this Order shall be settled by the Working Group established under Part 1 of the Decree and by relevant authorities.

4. Ensure that the execution of this Order is entrusted to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov.

5. This Order becomes effective from the date of its signing.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Novruz Mammadov


Baku city, December 10, 2018

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