Organizing Committee held its first meeting on 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference.

The next preparatory meeting of the Organizing Committee that was set up by the Cabinet of Ministers
due to holding of the 36th International Conference on Drug Trafficking in Baku in 2019 was held on
December 18, 2018.
The members of the Organizing Committee, the advocate for temporary works of USA in our country,
Mr William Gill, Regional Director under the USA Justice Department for Drugs Management in Central
Asia, William Varen, Representatives of the Ankara Office of the Drug Administration, and other officials
participated at the event.
At the meeting  the issues  were discussed arising  from the Order of the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan on the establishment of the Organizing Committee in connection with holding the 36th
International Conference on Drug Control in Baku in 2019.
Opening the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug
Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking and Organizing Committee Mr. Ali Hasanov, stressed that the
necessary steps have already been taken by the responsible structures and also mentioned that a
Working Group was set up with relevant Order of the Cabinet of Ministers due to the implementation of
the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He also noted that all events held in Azerbaijan
meet both security and organizational requirements, and the 36th International Anti-Drug Conference
will be held at a high level.
Mr. Ali Hasanov noted in his speech that our country joined the UN International Conventions, laid the
foundations of the strategic course of the state in the fight against illicit drug trafficking and drug
addiction, and as a result of these measures, in our country a number of organizational and legal,
institutional and other measures have been implemented, as well as the legal framework regulating the
fight against illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, and the
fight against drug addiction have been established and improved, and its compliance with international
standards has been substantiated, and the State Programs have been successfully implemented.
At the same time, Mr. Ali Hasanov brought it to the attention comparing the world indicators reflected
in UN reports on the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance.
First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee, Ismayil Huseynov, who gave a great deal of
attention to the work done at the event, immediately after the creation of the Organizing Committee for
holding the36th International Drug Enforcement Conference in Baku by the Decree of the President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 15, 2018, brought to the attention that the State Customs
Committee  has begun a serious preparation work . He noted that all organizational and other activities
were directed to fulfillment in order to carry out the tasks set by the Head of State in full and timely.
Mr William Varen, Middle East Regional Director of the US Drug Enforcement Administration,  described
this conference, which will take place on April 16-18, 2019, as a prestigious international event in the
fight against drug addiction, drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors. He
emphasized that this conference would be of great importance in terms of sharing international
experience, discussing important issues and exchanging trends and other information related to illicit
drug trafficking in the countries.
Later, the advocate for temporary works of USA in our country, William Gill, expressed his confidence
that the conference would contribute to strengthening international cooperation.
During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on all the proposals and questions related to the duties
and responsibilities of the Government of Azerbaijan and the Drug Enforcement Administration of the
United States Department of Justice for the organization of this event at a high level.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ali Hasanov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, gave relevant
recommendation and instructions regarding the work to be done.

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