The next awareness-raising event was held in Masalli.

he awareness raising event was held in Masalli district on "The essence of drug addiction, complications and how to fight wth it" on December 21 of the current year by the Working Group of the State Commission  in order to propagate the harmful effects of narcotics on human organisms, the social consequences of drug abuse, and the fatal effects of drug addiction on society and human health.

The employees of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking and the members of the District Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit  Drug Trafficking have made speeches on the subject, including the impact of listeners on drug-related destructive effects on human organisms, the health of society and people, detailed information was provided, extensive discussions were held around the questions of the participants.

At the same time, the Working Group of the State Commission distributed to the participants the manuals and warning sheets designed to prevent the use of non-medical consumption of narcotic substances, and to identify persons who have been exposed to narcotic and psychotropic substances.


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