An awareness-raising event was held in Astara region.

  Increasing the awareness about the drugs and psychotropic substances and ensuring the continuity of the work done on the effectiveness of awareness-raising activities on the implementation of the Action Plan on execution of the "State Program on the illegal turnover of narcotics drugs, psychotropic substsnces and their precursors and struggle against narcotics for 2013-2018",  an awareness-raising event was held on December 21 of the current year  in Astara district on the subject "The essence of drug addiction, complications and struggle with it" organized by the  Working  Group of the State Commission.

  Members of the Working Group on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking and members of the District Commission on Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking, psychologists, teachers and teenagers participated in the event. Speaking about the harmful effects of drugs and psychotropic substances on the human body, the participants spoke about the need to combat this problem, including the importance of enlargement of awareness raising activities, and held extensive discussions on the issues of interest to the participants.

  Within the framework of the event, the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the State Commission's Working Group were distributed to the participants.

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