Measures on "The essence of drug addiction, complications and struggle with it" are continued in Kurdamir and Ujar districts.

Due to the implementation of the Action Plan on the execution of the "State Program on the illegal turnover of narcotics drugs, psychotropic substsnces and their precursors and struggle against narcotics for 2013-2018" the State Committee's Working Group organized the event  on December 24 of the current year in   Kurdamir and Ujar districts on the theme "The essence of drug addiction, complications and struggle with it" in order to propagandize the destructive effects of drug abuse to human body as well as the harm of drug addiction to society and people's health.

The employees of the Working Group of the State Commission on Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking and the members of Kurdamir and Ujar district commission on combating drug addiction and illicit drug trafficking  made speeches on the theme giving detailed information to the  listeners about the destructive effects of drugs on the human body, the health of society and people and social problems committed by it and extensive discussions were held around the questions of the participants.

At the same time, the State Commission's Working Group distributed the participants  the booklets and warning sheets designed to help them to prevent the use of non-medical consumption of narcotic substances, and to identify persons who have been exposed to narcotic and psychotropic substances.

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