The next preparatory meeting due to the 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference was held.

   On March 12,  a meeting was held in the Cabinet of Ministers   by  Organizing Committee due to connect the done work according to the holding  the 36th International Conference on Drug Enforcement in Baku in 2019.

   Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking  Ali Hasanov said that Azerbaijan has become a rapidly developing state as a result of the successful internal and foreign policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev. It was noted that, as the country develops, as the international transit routes increase, threats to illegal drug trafficking increase. Conducting the 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference in our country will be important in terms of prevention of illicit drug trafficking. Our specialists in this area will reap benefits from international expertise.

   Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov said that the relevant people have been cooperating closely with the preparations for the conference over the past three months.

    Natig Mammadov, the head of the Working Group on the 36th International Drug Enforcement Conference reported about the  done work.

    Finally, the relevant people were given appropriate instructions.

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