XXXVI International Conference on Drug Enforcement in Baku has completed its work.

   The XXXVI International Conference on Drug Enforcement (IDEC), organized by the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking in Azerbaijan and the US Drug Enforcement Administration, completed its work on April 17.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the conference, Acting Administrator of the US Department of  Justice's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Uttam Dillon underscored the importance of international cooperation and partnership in the successful fight against illicit drug trafficking. He said that all participants in this struggle must show great determination and strong solidarity for success. Well-coordinated activities, the development and successful implementation of well-thought-out programs and strategies  play an important role in this process. The DEA strives to implement these principles in its activities.

Emphasizing the importance of sharing information and experience in combating illicit drug trafficking, Uttam Dillon said the DEA is actively cooperating with various international organizations and countries in this area. He noted that the Baku conference was organized at a high level and important discussions were being held and new messages were sent from the Azerbaijani capital to the world.

Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, Lieutenant-General Safar Mehdiyev said that effective discussions were held at the international conference dedicated to the fight against  drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking, which is a major concern for humanity. At the end of his speech, Mehdiyev expressed his gratitude to the DEA for the initiative to hold the conference in Baku, as well as to the organizations and individuals for the hard work.i

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 36th International Conference on Drug Enforcement Ali Hasanov highly appreciated the effective discussions, exchange of views and experience. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that during the conference, the regional groups gave interesting presentations and active discussions at the meetings of regional groups.

 Ali Hasanov informed that the presence of more than 100 countries at the conference shows that drug and illicit drug trafficking is a serious threat, which is a major concern for states. This is one of the major problems that threaten mankind's future. The consequences of wars and terrorism are immediately felt. However, drug addiction poses a serious threat to the future of humanity by destroying the gene pool. The effects of its consequences have persisted for years. Therefore, the world countries, relevant agencies and progressive communities should pay more attention to the fight against drugs.

Stressing the importance of the conference that was organized by  the Azerbaijani government with proposal of the US Department of Justice on Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),  Deputy Prime Minister said: “Both parties play an important role in organizing this important event. Both parties are highly respected . President Ilham Aliyev immediately agreed to hold this event in Baku. Emphasizing the event, the head of state gave instructions to the relevant bodies to hold the conference at the highest level and signed an order on the establishment of the Organizing Committee. The relevant state bodies of Azerbaijan were represented at the conference at the highest level. This is an indication of the great importance our country has given to the fight against drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking.

Emphasizing that drug abuse as well as illicit drug trafficking, has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people every year, Ali Hasanov said that the conventions and methods of fighting for the decisive struggle must be adapted to the demands of the time, and the safety of those working in this area must be ensured. No country can succeed in the fight against drugs alone. This is the main task of the world community. Therefore, international cooperation in this area should be further strengthened.

Then all the participants were thanked for volunteering at the event.

Thus, the XXXVI International Conference on Drug enforcement held in Baku completed its work.

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