Information on the results of the fight against drug abuse, illicit trafficking of psychotropic substances in the country for the 3 months of 2019.

  Results of the fight against illicit drug trafficking in the country for the first three months of 2019 were summarized in the Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

  Over the first three months of the current year, law enforcement agencies have identified 1113 facts, including 335 illegally acquiring, storing, transporting, shipping or selling drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors for sale. 749 were illegal purchase and storage of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, 14 were illegal cultivation of narcotic plants and 15 were illegal ones. According to the revealed facts, a total weight of 1 ton 015 kg 666,163 grams of narcotic drugs, 10516 psychotropic substances, including 1240 pistols were confiscated.

  The confiscated drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors consisted of 291 kg 546,555 g of marijuana (28.6%), 103 kg 746,181 g of opium (10.1%), 548 kg 110,938 g of heroin (54,%), 8 kg 835,876 g of hashish (0.7%), 63 kg 426,613 grams of psychotropic substances and others (6.2%).

  636 people were brought to criminal responsibility, of which 2 were under 18, 46 were among 18-25, 98 were among 26-29, 493 were over 30, including 70 workers, 1 servant, 1 person was financially responsible, 1 was a student of secondary special education, 148 were previously convicted, 1 were previously registered, 424 were unemployed, 625 were men, 11 were women. 17 of them were foreign nationals. 2 of the foreigners were citizens of the Russian Federation, 10 of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 3 of Georgia, 1 of Turkey and 1 of Ukraine.

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