Permanent Working Group of the State Commission jointly with the Ministry of Justice Penitentiary Service signed Action Plan.

   According to the relevant instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Commission on Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking Ali Hasanov, the Ministry of Justice Penitentiary Service jointly with the regularly operating Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking signed  an "Action Plan" for 2019 in order to strengthen the  anti -drug propaganda in the penal institutions.

   The Action Plan specifies the time, place, and people responsible for the activities to be undertaken.

  During the current year, totaly in 20  penal institutions trainings are planned to be conducted for employees in order to improve professionalism, to explain the prisoners the destructive effects of drugs, the detrimental effects of drugs on  human body, on public and human health, to conduct medical-hygiene, outrich and awareness work against the infection HIV and other viruses, and explanations for their reintegration into society, including demonstration of video films on the subject and distribution of necessary campaign materials.

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