An educational event was held at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

  On July 15 of the current year due to the imlementation of the "State Program for 2019-2024 on Illicit Trafficking of Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors as well as Prevention of Drug Addiction" approved by the order №1334 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr.Ilham Aliyev, the Working Group of the State Commission jointly with the Sabail District Executive Power, held an event on “The role of youth in the fight against drug addiction”at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

 The Deputy Head of the Sabail District Executive Power, Deputy Head of the  Working Group of State Commission and Head of the Sector, Head of the Department of the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health, Deputy Head of the District Police Office, made speeches on the topic, gave detailed information to the students on preventing drug-related crime cases, as well as preventing the harmful effects of drugs on the human body and the prevention of the spread of social disorders, AIDS and a number of other horrible diseases. At the same time the importance of efficient leisure time, sports, arts and social work was emphasized.

  Also, extensive discussions were held around the questions that interested the participants. Finally, visual aids, educational booklets, and leaflets prepared by the State Commission Working Group were distributed among the students.

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