An enlightement event was held at the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management.

  On November 20 of this year, an enlightement event was held at the University of Tourism and Management of Azerbaijan  on the theme "The role of youth in the fight against drug addiction."

  The event was organized by the Working Group of the State Commission jontly with the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management in accordance with paragraph 4.4.25 of the "State Program for 2019-2024 on Illicit Trafficking of Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors as well as drug addiction " in order to form anti-drug view among students.

  Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management, Head of the National Information Sector of the Working Group of the State Commission , Head of the Department of the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health spoke on the topic and gave information and advices about distruptive effects of drugs on human health, caused tragedies, to increase the focus on events to be held on the way of the enlightement, and the spread of AIDs and other horrible diseases, also conducted extensive discussions around the questions of the participants.

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