The next event on fight against drug addiction was held in Balakan region.

  According to the “State Program for 2019-2024 on Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors as well as Fight against Drug Addiction”,the Working Group of the State Commission jointly with Balakan District Executive Authority organized an enlightement event  in the building of the New Azerbaijan Party on November 25, 2013, for strengthening of drug propaganda,providing sustainability  as well as improving the awareness of disruptive effects of drugs and psychotropic substances.

  The members of the Working Group of the State Commission, members of the district commission and representatives of the relevant government agencies participated at the event.

  Speakers spoke about the tragedies caused by drug addiction, the devastating effects of drugs on the human body, and the increased awareness of the city commission on events to be held to prevent drug addiction. Recommendations were also drawn to the involvement of community members, religious leaders, as well as the expansion of contacts between municipalities, police, education workers, labor collectives and relevant commissions.

   Information was given to prevent  the spread of AIDS and several other dangerous diseases. The questions that interested the participants were answered and exchanged views.

  The district commission were helped with methodical support and provided with necessary visual aids within the framework of the event.

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