Enlightenment event was held in the Ministry of Justice's Penitentiary Service.

   Due to the execution of the “Action Plan” approved by the Ministry of Justice Penitentiary Service jointly with the regularly operating Working Group of the State Commission on Fight against Illicit Trafficking of Drugs and Drug Addiction ,an enlightenment event was held on February 12 of the current year in the Ministry of Justice's Pentecostal Guard  for those who are in the military as well as other state officials in order to strengthen the propaganda work on the harmful effects of drugs to society and the human health . 

  The  Deputy Head and Sector Manager of the Working Group of the State Commission, the employee of the Interior Ministry's  Drug Enforcement Administration, the employees of Department for  Educational Work at the Ministry of Justice's Penitentiary Service and Head Department of Medicine ,doctor-narcologist at the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health and the representative of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection made speeches around the topic and  provided detailed information on the prevention of drug-related crime cases, as well as on the harmful effects of drugs on the human body, the social problems caused by the state and the role of the state in the fight against it.

  In the end, educational visual aids, booklets and leaflets prepared by the  Working Group of the State Commission were distributed among the participants.

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