An enlightenment event was held in the secondary school № 18 on "Let's Learn the Truth about Drug".

  An enlightenment event was held on February 21 of the current year   due to the “Action Plan”  signed by the regularly operating Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Illicit Trafficking of Drugs and Drug Addiction jointly with the Ministry of Education of Baku in order to strengthen anti-drug propaganda activities.

  Deputy Head of the Working Group of the State Commission  and Sector Director, Representative of the Ministry of Education, Baku City Drug Enforcement Administration, Ministry of Health, Drug Narcologist of the Ministry of Health, State Committee on Family, Women and Children Issues made speeches, provided information and recommendations at the event on the consequences of drug and psychotropic substances, tragedies caused by drug addiction, AIDS and a number of other diseases, conducted extensive discussions around the questions of the participants, answered teachers and pupils' questions.

  Also, during the event, necessary materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission were distributed among the pupils.

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