Information on the results of the fight against illicit trafficking of drug and psychotropic substances in the country for 9 months of 2020.

  Analysis of the results of measures taken by the relevant authorities in the first 9 months of 2020 (compared to the same period last year) on fight against illicit drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors has been generalized in the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

 It was determined that 4195 (+535 or 12.8%) facts were revealed in the field of drug control during 9 months of the current year. Of these, 1507 (+436) were illegal drug sales, 2309 (+19) were illegal acquisition and possession of drugs, 317 (+56) were illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 62 (+24)  was related to other crimes.

 It was found that,  seized from illicit circulation 3 tons 806 kg 356.5 gr (+1 ton 831.7 kg) of drugs and psychotropic substances 2 tons 297 kg 293.6 gr (+ 1 ton 483.4 kg) were heroin  (60.4%), 848 kg 997.8 g (+163.8 kg) were marijuana, (22.3%), 267 kg 258.7 g (+ 19.7 kg) were opium (7%) , 90 kg 377.2 grams (+68.9 kg) were hashish (2.4%), 394 grams (-3.5 kg) were cocaine drugs (0.01%), 302 kg 035.2 grams (+99.3 kg) were psychotropic substances and others (7.9%).

    Also, during the reporting period, with the organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 414644 (+166680) wild drug-containing plants weighing 152 tons 791 kg 035.6 gr (+25 tons 946) were identified and destroyed from 2513 (-111 ha) hectares in accordance with the relevant rules with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Border Service and other relevant agencies.

    Over the past 9 months, 3105 (+487) people were prosecuted for illicit drug trafficking. Of those prosecuted, 4 (-4) people aged 16-18, 251 (+42) people aged 18-25, 526 (+129) people aged 26-29, and 2308 (+322) people aged 30 and over.

  Of those prosecuted, 16 (+8) were previously registered, 891 (+219) had previously committed crimes, 2,135 (+308) were unemployed, 3,045 (+514) were men, and 60 (-9) ) women, 61 (-10) were foreign citizens.

 The prosecuted 61 foreign nationals , 34 were citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 10 of Georgia, 13 of Russia, 2 of Kazakhstan, 1 of Pakistan and 1 of Ukraine. 767 kg 292 grams of various drugs, 18 kg 394.2 grams of psychotropic substances, 165 grams of strong substances, 98 kg 028.7 grams (635 pieces) of hemp were seized from them.

  During the reporting period, law enforcement agencies revealed 198 facts on smuggling drugs into the country, the total weight of which was 2 tons 197.9 kg of various drugs, 6 kg 501.4 g of psychotropic substances, 2 kg. 651 grams of precursors were removed due to the facts.

  In general, 305 crimes were committed in groups and 1 ton 252.4 grams of drugs were seized from the illegal circulation. 1252 of the registered crimes were committed by previous offenders and 435.1 kg of various drugs were seized from them.

   The analysis shows that compared to 9 months of last year, the number of facts revealed by law enforcement agencies in connection with the illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances during the same period this year was 536, the number of facts related to illegal sale was 437, number of related facts with the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants 56, number of group crimes 251 facts, total weight of drugs seized illegal circulation was 1 ton 831 kg 734.4 gr, total weight of narcotic plants detected in the wild form were 25 tons 946 kg 106 gr, the number of those who were prosecuted  increased by 487 people.

  At the same time, the number of foreign nationals prosecuted decreased by 12, the number of minors by 4, the number of women by 9, and high school and college students were not prosecuted.

 In addition to the above, the weight of heroin seized from illegal circulation  - 1 ton 483.4 kg, marijuana - 163.8 kg, hashish - 68.9 kg, opium - 19.7 kg, psychotropic substances and others - increased by 99.3 kg ,the weight of cocaine  decreased by 3.6 kg.

According to the report of the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health on December 31, 2019, there are 32,921 (+1489) registered drug users in the Center, of which 27,574 are dispensaries and 5,347 are prophylactically registered. 641 of them are women, 249 are drug addicts, 22871 (512 women) are injecting drug users.

  During the reporting period, 24,499 people underwent medical examinations to determine all types of intoxication. 4283 of them were examined for drug use, 2570 users were identified and registered.

 Over the past 9 months, 628 patients are being treated under the program (370 at the Republican AIDS Center, 174 at the Republican Narcology Center, 84 at the Sumgayit Narcological Dispensary) at 3 methadone replacement therapy programs.

 During 9 months of the current year, 2701 outpatients of the Public Legal Entity underwent compulsory drug medical examination, 1816 of them were prescribed compulsory drug treatment.

  According to the Center for Combating AIDS of the Ministry of Health, 397 people  were infected with HIV during the first 9 months of this year, 390 of them are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

  In total, 3344 out of 8526 people (6112 men, 2434 women) diagnosed with HIV since 1988 were injecting drug users, of which 2620 (78.8%) were registered in dispensaries. 8237 registered citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan (5904 men, 2333 women), 289 (208 men, 81 women) are foreign citizens.

 As of 31.09.2020, a total of 6,255 people registered are carriers of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  2230 of them are Injecting Drug Users.

Of the 409 patients involved in Anti Retro Therapy last year, 60 were injecting drug users. Since 1988, a total of  1,108 people have died of HIV infection.

It  should be noted that the number of new HIV infections in the country is declining. Of the 390 HIV-infected Azerbaijani citizens detected in the first 9 months of 2020, 54 (13.9%) were injecting drug users.

During the first 9 months of this year, the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking carried out purposeful work to prevent drug trafficking and the spread of drug addiction through education, using modern information technologies. Coordination of organizations working in the field of combating the spread of the disease has been organized, public awareness-raising activities have been carried out as a result of joint cooperation activities.

In connection with the implementation of paragraph 4.1.23 of the State Program, the "Annual Report" was  prepared by the permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

June 26 - In connection with the "International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking", the  following measures were taken by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission:

  •  An online conference on "Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking and the challenges ahead" was held with the participation of a total of 61 representatives of officials of the State Commission member bodies, chairmen of Baku and city and district commissions of the republic;
  •  Necessary notification to inform the population about the harm of drug addiction (DK Isci Group: The best choice - learn the truth about drugs and never use it!, MIA 012 / 590-21-10, RNM 012 / 455-07-61) sent by Bakcell and Azerfon mobile operators operating in the country to SMS subscribers (about 4 million) in stages, it is planned to be sent by Azercell mobile operator as well;
  •  The social video "Try not to be a target of drugs" prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission was broadcasted in the program of Azerbaijan Television (AzTv) "Towards the way out" ;
  •  The slogan "Let's say no to drugs together" was displayed in two forms on monitors available in the electronic information terminals of the Baku Transport Agency;
  •  An educational video depicting the gradual changes and warning slogans as a result of drug use was shown on electronic billboards in a number of streets and avenues in Baku and on monitors on more than 220 buses of BakuBus Limited Liability Company;
  •  All measures taken in this direction were widely covered in the media, including the official website of the State Commission and social networks.

in connection with the implementation of paragraph 4.1.10 of the State Program in order to prevent the illicit drug trafficking of drugs and the spread of drug addiction the “802” hotline has been operating since August of this year in order to ensure prompt coordination with the relevant ministries, committees and organizations, as well as individual citizens  and a social video has been developed to promote the “802” telephone service to the general public.

In connection with the implementation of paragraph 4.1.22 of the State Program, the preparation of the mobile version of the website of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking was provided.

In order to prevent the illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and the spread of drug addiction, an online application section has been created on the website for the active participation of citizens (information, applications, complaints and suggestions).

In accordance with paragraph 4.4.38 of the Action Plan for the implementation of the State Program, on the role of parental control in drug use in the context of family relationships, "Let's value our children and grandchildren", "Drugs are a borderless disaster" and two new enlightening videos titled “ Protect the sun inside and say no to drug” were prepared. The videos will be covered in the media and social networks in the future, taking into account the current situation.

In connection with the implementation of paragraph 4.4.35 of the State Program, the Working Group of the State Commission has developed social boards in a new form and design with special slogans in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and further expand social awareness about the harms of drug addiction.

Work is underway to develop appropriate electronic maps for the modernization of the statistical information system on the illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, obtained separately for cities and regions, using information and communication technologies.

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