Measures are being taken to prevent drug trafficking and the spread of drug addiction through enlightenment.

  At the initiative and organization of the permanent Working Group of the State Commission, a number of measures were taken together with the relevant agencies to increase the effectiveness and expand the scope of awareness-raising activities.

    Thus, a total of 7,750,000 active subscribers were provided by Azercell, Bakcell and Azerfon mobile operators an SMS notification with the relevant text through the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (SC Working Group: Let's learn the truth about drugs and never use it!, Hotline: 802) operating in the country.

   In order to form students' anti-drug outlook, webinars were held with the participation of Baku State University, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, West Caspian University and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University with the participation of the Working Group of the State Commission and at the same time  events in the form of video conferences on "Let's learn the truth about drugs" were organized in other higher and secondary special education institutions according to the relevant instruction of the Ministry of Education.

    The slogan "Let's say no to drugs together" has been displayed on electronic information terminals and monitors on buses since June 24 (within 5 days) through the Baku Transport Agency.

    At the same time, starting from June 24 of this year (for 1 month), a video on the activities of the "802 hotline" telephone service, "Drugs are a borderless disaster" and "Protect the sun inside, say no to drugs" social videos in the animated format about the harms of drug addiction  was demonstrated  on electronic billboards and metro stations in a number of streets and avenues of Baku.

    In addition, the Working Group of the State Commission participated in educational events in the form of a video conference organized jointly with the commissions on combating drug addiction and drug trafficking in Baku, Sabail, Nasimi, Narimanov, Nizami, Binagadi, Sumgayit, Shirvan and Gabala city and district executive authorities, at the same time, a series of events were held by other city and district commissions.

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