The next meeting of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was held

    On August 6, 2021, the next meeting of the Commission was held by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Ali Ahmadov in order to discuss the work done by the relevant ministries, committees and other organizations for 6 months of this year.

   At the meeting of the Commission the work done and the tasks ahead were discussed on the implementation of the “State Program on Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Drug Addiction for 2019-2024” approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1334 dated July 22, 2019.

    At the meeting, the Chairman of the Commission raised the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking in the country to the state level  informing the members of the Commission about  the organization of struggle in this area has become one of the main priorities of state policy, strengthening of control measures, he also noted the implementation of targeted measures to adapt the activities in the field of anti-drug propaganda, treatment and rehabilitation to the requirements of modern times, to improve the legislation in this area, the status of implementation of the set tasks, the results achieved, as well as the need to further increase the efficiency of the work carried out in the implementation of the State Program.

   First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Seyfulla Azimov, First Deputy Prosecutor General Elchin Mammadov, Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Asgar Abdullayev, Deputy Chief of the State Border Service Firuz Shirinzade, Deputy Minister of Health Rahim Aliyev, President of the Azerbaijan National Non-Governmental Forum Rauf Zeyni  spoke in detail about the measures taken by their organizations in the field and the results achieved.

    It was noted at the meeting that the fight against drug trafficking has been strengthened by the internal affairs, customs, border and security agencies using the opportunities of modern telecommunications and information, a number of preventive and search operations were carried out to detect cases of drug smuggling through various routes, and a large number of powerful drugs were confiscated from criminals, the organization of propaganda work on various social strata in the direction of enlightenment has a systemic character and appropriate additional measures have been taken to improve the quality of preventive measures.

   At the meeting of the commission, concern was expressed about the recent increase in the number of facts related to the import and use of drugs in the country, the need to increase the efforts of relevant government agencies and the public to prevent such cases, to strengthen preventive measures against drug abuse and awareness-raising was emphasized.

   At the end of the meeting, relevant decisions were made on  strengthening control over transit cargo at customs checkpoints, expanding the application of modern technologies, improving the quality of drug services and to set specific tasks for the relevant agencies to further increase the effectiveness of the establishment of rehabilitation centers, the organization of propaganda and awareness-raising activities on drug prevention and the implementation of other necessary measures.

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