Information on the results of the fight against illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the country in January-August 2021

      The results of measures taken by the relevant authorities in January-August 2021 to combat drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors were analyzed and summarized in the permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

     During 8 months of the current year, as a result of complex search operations carried out by law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking, a total of 5963 criminal cases related to drug trafficking were revealed. Of these, 2,181 were related to the illegal sale of drugs, 3,376 were related to the illegal acquisition and possession of drugs without the purpose of sale, 328 were related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 78 were related to other crimes of this category.

     According to the revealed facts, 4 tons 432 kg 105 gr of drugs and psychotropic substances, 2 tons 403 kg 172 gr of heroin, 1 ton 013 kg 540 gr of marijuana, 285 kg 846 gr of opium, 71 kg 931 grams of hashish, 89,679 grams of cocaine, 5327 grams of methadone, 177 kg 684 grams of other drugs and 479 kg 842 grams of psychotropic substances were confiscated. In particular, 45,600 hemp and poppy plants were found in connection with the cultivation of narcotic plants during this period.

     Also, as a result of search operations carried out in connection with drug trafficking, a total of 3,696 people were prosecuted.

    During this period, law enforcement agencies revealed 241 facts of smuggling drugs and psychotropic substances into the country, on which 2 tons 046 kg 571, 315 grams of drugs and psychotropic substances were seized. 260 crimes were committed in groups and 1 ton 401 kg 120,574 grams of drugs, 17 kg 299 grams of psychotropic substances and 142.8 grams of strong substances were seized from the illicit trafficking.

    During 8 months of 2021,with the organizattion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant agencies, drug-containing plants in the wild weighing 171 tons 067 kg 903 g were identified and destroyed accordingly

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