Information on the results of 10 months of 2021 in the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking

  During 10 months of the current year, as a result of complex search operations carried out by law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking, a total of 7484 criminal cases were revealed. Of them, 2,787 were related to the illegal sale of drugs, 4,230 were related to the illegal acquisition and possession of drugs, 372 were related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 95 were related to other crimes of this category.

   According to the revealed facts, 5 tons 880 kg 982 gr of drugs and psychotropic substances of which 2 tons 606 kg 080 gr of heroin, 1 ton 153 kg 841 gr of marijuana, 1 ton 297 kg 331 gr of opium, 71kg 954 gr of hashish, 89,679 gr of cocaine, 550 kg 974 gr of psychotropic substances, and  other 200 kg 713 gr drugs was generally confiscated from illicit trafficking. Also 10,331 methadone and 46,966 hemp plants were seized illicit trafficking.

   During the relevant period, 430,716 wild drug-containing plants weighing 173 tons 370 kg from 782,469 hectares were identified and destroyed in an appropriate manner.

5021 people were prosecuted for drug trafficking. Of those prosecuted, 51 are foreign citizens. 21 of them were citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 11 citizens of Georgia, 10 citizens of Russia, 4 citizens of Turkey, 3 citizens of Ukraine, 1 citizen of India and 1 citizen of Pakistan. A total of 1 ton 343 kg and 5004 different types of drugs, psychotropic substances and 1580 strong substances were seized from foreign citizens.

   Law enforcement agencies revealed 286 facts related to the smuggling of drugs and psychotropic substances into the country, and 2 tons 892 kg 692,826 g of various drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from the illicit trafficking. At the same time, 1 ton 672 kg of various drugs and 13766 psychotropic substances were seized from illicit trafficking due to 328 facts committed in a group.

   The total value of more than 5 tons 880 kg of drugs and psychotropic substances seized from illicit trafficking in January-October 2021 is estimated at 162 million AZN ($ 95 million).

   More than 1 ton 737 kilograms of various drugs and psychotropic substances, including large quantities of confiscated drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, were confiscated by the Destruction Commission on May 19-20, according to the current legislation and at the same time   21190 hemp plants were destroyed by burning with the participation of representatives of relevant organizations and the media.

   During 10 months of 2021, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan referred 55,600 people to the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan to identify all types of intoxication. Of them, 2193 out of 2981 people who underwent medical examination to determine drug use were identified as users and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

    During January-October of the current year, the number of citizens' appeals to the “802” hotline increased and 795 appeals were received in the mentioned months, of which 168 were related to drug trafficking, 205 to drug addiction treatment, 422  were related to other issues.373 letters were sent to the relevant authorities to take appropriate measures on the mentioned appeals.

Thus, in order to prevent the spread of drugs and drug addiction through the 802 hotline, it was ensured  prompt coordination with relevant organizations and citizens, relevant criminal cases were initiated on the basis of information provided on drug trafficking and a large amount of drugs were seized from illicit  trafficking,

drug users were directed to treatment in specialized medical institutions on the basis of voluntary appeals, psychological support to families suffering from drug addiction and the necessary recommendations were given explaining the provisions of existing legislation.

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