June 26 - Events on the eve of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

June 26 - On the eve of the "International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking", the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission, together with relevant agencies, plans to implement a number of measures:


  •  Sending SMS notifications to subscribers by all mobile operators operating in the country;
  •  On May 14 at 11:00 in the Azerbaijan State Song Theater named after Rashid Behbudov will be a live performance of the play "Game of Life" with the announcement of "Open Day" for students of higher and secondary specialties, as well as public figures and volunteers;
  •  Holding events in the representations of the Center for Youth Development and Career;
  •  Organization of seminars and public lectures on "I choose my future" in higher and secondary vocational education institutions in order to form students' anti-drug outlook;
  •  Demonstration of the slogan "Let's say no to drugs together" on electronic information terminals and monitors on buses in Baku;
  •  Demonstration of social videos about the harm of drug addiction on electronic billboards and metro stations in a number of streets and avenues of Baku;
  •  Carrying out activities with the involvement of relevant agencies and civil society institutions by the commissions on combating drug addiction and drug trafficking operating in the city and district executive authorities.

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