A training was held in the YAP Central Office on propaganda and educational work against drug addiction

  A joint Action Plan for 2022 was signed between the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company, and the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics in order to further strengthen the propaganda work related to the fight against drug addiction among young people, to implement educational measures in a systematic and connected manner. In accordance with the Action Plan, training was held on June 7 at the YAP Central Office.

   Zakiya Musayeva, Deputy Head of the Department of Gender Policy and Youth Work of the YAP Central Office, who opened the event with an opening speech, said that the fight against drug addiction and its prevention is an important issue, and the formation of young people is one of the most important factors in their healthy growth. Within the framework of the Action Plan, it is planned to train trainers, hold round tables, flash mobs, sports competitions, cultural and mass events in order to carry out educational work in the field of drug addiction. According to him, the goal is to prevent harmful habits in our society.

   Bakhtiyar Islamov, the chairman of the YAP Youth Union, said that the fight against drug addiction is one of the global challenges in the world. According to him, there is a great need for educational activities in such conditions. B.Islamov said that tens of thousands of young people have joined the ranks of YAP and noted that this potential should be widely used in educational work. "Highly intelligent young people have united in our party. They should be active in the fight against drug addiction. Because this is our responsibility as citizens. It is important to conduct proper education in this area. For the formation of a healthy young generation, these activities must be carried out continuously. I believe that the work to be done within the framework of this Action Plan will give positive results," said the chairman of the YAP Youth Union

   Elnur Orujov, deputy head of the international relations department of "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company, said in his speech that the scourge of drug addiction, known as "white death" in the society, causes incurable complications in human life. According to him, drug addiction is one of the most terrible and dangerous problems of humanity. "One of the most important tasks that falls on us is to return our young people and citizens who are surrounded by this trouble to a normal life. In this direction, educational work should be carried out in full. The participation of different layers of society, including mass media, NGOs in this process is very important. Azerbaijan Television broadcasts a series of educational programs dedicated to this topic and shows various social videos. The main line of the "Life is beautiful" multi-series feature television film, which has already started filming, is the measures to fight drug addiction and important calls against "white death", said E. Orujov.

   Then Ragif Allahverdiyev, the head of the National Information sector of the Permanent Working Ggroup of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics, trained the participants and presented information through slides. He noted that the state is taking necessary measures in this area. Thirty-eight points of the "2019-2024 State Program on Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors and Combating Drug Addiction" are dedicated to education issues. "Drug addiction destroys a person"s life. Addiction to drugs reduces a person"s attachment to family and society, and ultimately makes him a useless person for society. Disruption of the relationship between society and personality has a negative impact not only on him, but also on his environment. Such young people turn their loved ones into drug users. Therefore, young people should know how harmful and dangerous drug addiction is," said R. Allahverdiyev.

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