The training was held at the Masalli representative office of the Youth Development and Career Center

  Training was held at the Masalli representative office of the Youth Development and Career Center.In accordance with the Action Plan signed between the permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics and the Youth Fund.

  In the training, in order to increase the knowledge and professionalism of volunteers about the problem of drug addiction, the participants were given extensive information about the risk factors of drug use, the properties of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, the stages of drug addiction formation, the importance of anti-narcotic propaganda, and the methods of combating drug addiction as well as discussions were held on questions of interest to the participants. .

  At the end, the participants of the event were presented with certificates and also a booklet end "Methodical recommendations to help identify people who abuse narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances" and other necessary propaganda materials prepared by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

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