Events held during June of the current year.

The following measures were implemented in June of the current year together with the relevant institutions under the initiative and organization of the State Commission's Permanent Working Group:

  •  It was ensured that through the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, an SMS notification with appropriate text (DK Working Group: Let's learn the truth about drugs and fight together! Hotline 802, was sent to a total of 9 million 436 thousand active subscribers in a phased manner by  "Azercell", "Bakcell" and "Azerfon" operating throughout the country;
  •  In order to form the anti-narcotics outlook of students, joint events were held with the Baku State Vocational Education Center for Tourism and Social Services, Industry and Technology College, Gabala Vocational Education Center for Tourism and Hospitality with the participation of the Working Group of the State Commission and at the same time, according to the relevant instruction of the Ministry of Education, other higher education institutions and round tables were organized in secondary specialized educational institutions;
  •  Also, "The fight against drug addiction is a guarantee of a healthy life", "Let's think about our future together, let's say no to drug addiction!" and other events were carried out according to the relevant instruction of the Ministry of Culture, in the libraries and museums under the ministry;
  •  The slogan "Let's say no to drug addiction together" has been displayed on electronic information terminals through the Ministry of Internal Affairs since June 23 (for a period of 7 days), as well as on monitors on buses through the Baku City Executive Authority (for a period of 1 month);
  •  From June 24 of this year, a video about the activities of the "802 hotline" telephone service, "Drug is  a disaster without borders" about the harm of drug addiction, and social videos "Protect the sun inside, say no to drugs" in animation format have been shown on electronic billboards in a number of streets and avenues of Baku, in metro stations and on all television channels operating in the country;
  •  Employees of the Working Group of the State Commission participated in 20 educational events organized jointly with the commissions for the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking operating in Khatai, Yasamal, Garadag, Sabunchu, Khazar, Narimanov, Nizami, Binagadi, Sheki, Lankaran, Astara, Lerik, Masalli, Jalilabad, Bilasuvar, Ismailli, Oguz, Gabala, Shamakhi, Gobustan city and district executive authorities of the city of Baku;
  •  Also, 13 meetings were held with the members of the relevant commission operating under the executive authorities of the cities and regions listed above, and discussions were held on the observance of the requirements specified in the existing rules and regulations during the organization of the process of destruction of small quantities of narcotic drugs, which were confiscated and destroyed in accordance with the law, they were given methodical assistance and necessary visual propaganda materials;
  •  At the same time, a series of events were held by other city and district commissions in connection with June 26 UN "World Anti-Narcotics Day";
  •  On June 14, at 11:00 a.m., at the Azerbaijan State Song Theater named after Rashid Behbudov, the play "Game with Life" was announced as an "Open Door" day, and a live performance was performed for higher and secondary students, as well as public representatives and volunteers;
  •  The participation of the employees of the working group and representatives of other relevant institutions was ensured in the programs that were organized on television channels.
  •  According to the Action Plan signed jointly with the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasts" CJSC and the Working Group a series of flash mobs called "Young people choose a healthy lifestyle!", "We say no to drug addiction!", "Let's own our future - Say no to drugs!", "Choose a healthy future - Be one of us!"were organized in Yasamal and Nasimi districts of Baku, as well as in Ganja and Sumgait cities of the Republic at the same time, actions were carried out by YAP members on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram social networks with the hashtags #Narkomaniyayason, #StopNarkomaniya;
  •  In addition, "Let's say no to drug addiction for the sake of our future!" a tournament on arm wrestling and mini-football sports with the motto "Be one of us, choose your healthy future" was held;
  •  Also, with the aim of further strengthening the propaganda work on the fight against drug addiction among the youth, a training was held at the YAP Central Office;
  •  Trainings were conducted and relevant certificates were presented to the participants in accordance with the action plan signed between the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission and the Youth Fund, regarding increasing the knowledge and professionalism of the representatives of the Youth Development and Career Center in the cities and regions of Lankaran, Masalli, Absheron, Sumgayit, and volunteers about the problem of drug addiction;
  •  Wide coverage of the series of events was provided in "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC, Azerbaijan State Information Agency - (AZERTAC) and other mass media, including the official website

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