The following measures were implemented in July of the current year under the initiative and organization of Permanent Working Group the State Commission together with the relevant institutions:

 "Let's own our future - Say no to drugs!" a cultural-mass event-concert was organized with the participation of well-known art representatives and party activists in the Song Theater named after Rashid Behbudov within the framework of the Jointly signed Action Plan for 2022 of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company and the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking;

The event "Our national and moral values are a reliable shield against the negative effects of globalization" was held for the youth of Binagadi with the joint organization of the YAP Central Office, the Working Group of the State Commission and the Binagadi district organization;

 Educational activities about the harm of drug addiction to society and human health were organized in order to strengthen propaganda work among convicts in Penitentiary Service № 4, 10, 11 and Juvenile Education Institution within the framework of the implementation of the Action Plan approved between the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and the Working Group of the State Commission;

Specialists and employees of the representatives of the Youth Development and Career Center operating in the cities and regions of Shirvan, Hajigabul, Salyan, Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli, and volunteers were trained to increase their knowledge and professionalism on the problem of drug addiction, and relevant certificates were presented to the participants according to the action plan signed between the permanent working group of the State Commission and the Youth Fund;

On July 23 and July 28 of the current year, employees of the Working Group of the State Commission participated as experts in the "I choose my future" training organized at the "Yayfest" youth festival organized by the Youth Fund in Shamakhi district in connection with the implementation of subsection 4.4.6 of the Action Plan for the implementation of the State Program

with the aim of increasing the quality of preventive measures and the professionalism of those implementing those measures among people who abuse narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, educational measures were carried out in the cities and regions of Shirvan, Hajigabul, Salyan, Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli;

Meetings were held in a round table format with the members of the relevant commission operating under the above-mentioned city and district executive authorities,during the organization of the process of destruction of small quantities of narcotic drugs, on which a decision was taken to destroy by confiscation in accordance with the law, discussions were held on compliance with the requirements specified in the existing rules and regulations and they were provided with methodical assistance and necessary visual propaganda materials;

 19 new social boards with warning information about drug addiction and the consequences of drugs and special slogans were installed in educational institutions across Baku;

Also, 18 social boards with warning information were installed in the Guard Regiment, convoy battalion and prisons;

In July, the necessary visual promotional materials, designed in a new style, entitled "Know the Truth About Narcotics", "The Truth About Marijuana" and "The Truth About Psychotropic Substances" were distributed at all trainings, roundtables and events organized;

Wide coverage of the series of events was provided in "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC, Azerbaijan State Information Agency - (AZERTAC) and other mass media, including the official website of the State Commission and social networks.

Thus, in addition to the organizational events, 26 events were held in the city and district of the republic, 6 round tables with city/district commissions, 6 trainings in the representative offices of GIKM operating in the cities and districts, 11 educational events, 2 trainings organized at the "Yayfest" youth festival, 1 mass-cultural event - concert was organized during the month of July of the current year.

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