Information on the end of January-July 2022 on the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking

   A total of 6,551 criminal facts were discovered as a result of the complex search and operation measures implemented by law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking during the months of January-July of this year. 2354 of them were related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 3841 were related to illegal acquisition and possession of narcotic drugs, 289 were related to illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 67 were related to other crimes of this category.

  3 tons 904 kg 791.79 g and 30130 pills of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances confiscated from the illegal traffic, 1 ton 737 kg 292.852 g of heroin, 1 ton 231 kg 230.524 g of marijuana, 207 kg 908.831 g of opium, 20 kg of 549,344 g of hashish, 199 g of cocaine, 30,130 pills of methadone, 117 kg of 139,337 g of other drugs and 590 kg of 471,902 g of psychotropic substances. Also, during the specified period, 1 kg of 604,4 g of powerful substances , 10 kg 037.6 g of toxic substance, 72707 pieces of narcotic hemp plants were taken from illegal circulation.

  4704 people were brought to criminal responsibility related to the illegal circulation of drugs. 56 of the persons brought to criminal responsibility are citizens of foreign countries

  Of the 56 citizens of foreign countries held responsible, 23 are from the Islamic Republic of Iran, 13 from Russia, 8 from Turkey, 7 from Georgia, 1 from Turkmenistan, 1 from Kazakhstan, 1 from Pakistan, 1 from Ukraine, and 1 was a Maldivian citizen. A total of 940 kg, 083,765 g and 4,078 pills of various types of narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as 16,759 pieces of narcotic hemp plants were taken from the citizens of foreign countries.

  During the 7th month of 2022, 157 facts related to the smuggling of narcotics and psychotropic substances into the country were discovered by law enforcement agencies, and according to those facts, a total weight of 1 ton, 842 kg, 206,002 g and 7952 capsules of various types of narcotic drugs were obtained from illegal circulation. and psychotropic substances have been removed.

  During the months of January-July 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan referred 50,640 people to the National Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan to identify all types of intoxication.

  Among them, 1410 out of 1963 people who were medically examined to determine their drug use were found to be drug users, and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

  During January-July of the current year, the "802" hotline phone call service received 1,235 citizen appeals, of which 148 were related to illegal drug trafficking, 516 were related to drug addiction treatment, and 571 were related to other issues (re-applying, explaining the terms of the legislation, procedures for compulsory treatment, etc.). 664 letters were addressed to the relevant authorities for taking appropriate measures on the

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