Events held during August of the current year.

With the organization and participation of the permanent Working Group of the State Commission, the following events were carried out in August of the current year together with the relevant institutions:

  • Within the framework of the 2022 Jointly signed Action Plan of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, and the Closed Joint Stock Company "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting", the Central Office of the YAP and the Absheron district organization An educational event was held under the joint organization of "Harmful effects of drug addiction on health and family values".
  • Within the framework of the implementation of the Action Plan approved between the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and the permanent working group of the State Commission for the Fight against Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, propaganda among prisoners in prisons No. 2, 7, 16 and 17 of the Penitentiary Service about the harm of drug addiction to society and human health within the framework of the implementation of the approved Action Plan, educational events were organized in prisons No. 2, 7, 16 and 17 of the Penitentiary Service about the harm of drug addiction to society and human health among the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and the permanent working group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics in order to strengthen propaganda work among prisoners
  • On August 3, 11, and 31 of the current year, the employees of the Working Group of the State Commission took part as experts in the "I choose my future" training organized at the Sumfest" youth festival organized by the Youth Fund in Shamakhi district;
  • Measures were taken in Absheron, Binagadi, Garadagh and Pirallahi regions to increase the quality of the preventive measures and the professionalism of those implementing those measures;
  • An educational event on "Drug addiction and early marriage" was organized at the "Jirtdan" Republican Children"s and Recreation Center with the joint organization of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the permanent working group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking;
  • 27 new social boards prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission, with warning information about drug addiction and the consequences of drugs and special slogans, were installed in educational institutions across Baku. With this, the total number of social signs presented to the Baku City Education Department during July and August of the current year has been increased to 46;
  • Also, 05 social boards with warning information were installed in the Guard Regiment, convoy battalion and prisons. With this, the total number of social signs presented to penitentiary institutions during July and August of the current year was increased to 23;
  • In August, necessary visual propaganda materials developed by the Working Group of the State Commission end "Know the Truth About Narcotics", "The Truth About Marijuana" and "The Truth About Psychotropic Substances" were distributed at all trainings, round tables and events;
  • Wide coverage of the series of events was provided in "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC, Azerbaijan State Information Agency - (AZERTAC) and other mass media, including the official website of the State Commission and social networks.

Thus, in addition to organizational events, a total of 13 events, 4 round tables with district commissions, 6 educational events, and 3 trainings organized at the "Sumfest" youth festival were organized in August of the current year.

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