The event was organized in order to strengthen the fight against drug addiction.

 An awareness-raising event was held for students on the problem of drug addiction in secondary school № 245 of Khatai district in order to implement the relevant clause of the Action Plan signed jointly with the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking with the Permanent Working Group of the Baku City Education Department

  The responsible employee of the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission made a speech at the event and gave the necessary information about the causes of drug addiction, mental and physical addiction to drugs, changes in behavior, as well as risk factors of using psychoactive substances, stages of drug addiction formation, properties of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health.

  In the end, the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission end "Know the truth about narcotics", "The truth about marijuana" and "The truth about psychotropic substances" were distributed among the students.

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