An event was held in Sabunchu district to combat drug addiction.

 On October 14, an event on the fight against drug addiction was organized in the "Youth Center" of the region, together with the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking, Sabunchu District Executive Power and Baku Youth Center.

 The head of the socio-political and humanitarian department of the Sabunchu district Executive Power, the responsible employee of the Working Group of the State commission on the fight against Drug Addiction and Narcotic Drugs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, representatives of state and non-governmental organizations, media representatives and young people took part in the event.

  First of all, the screening of the film "Once" made by order of Baku Youth Center was presented. In the film, the tragic way of life of people who have become victims of drug addiction, the difficulties they face, and the problems that arise in their health are voiced directly in their own language. After the presentation, discussions were held on the topic. At the same time, those who took part in the event said that one of the most important issues in the fight for a healthy life is the strengthening of education among young people. Speakers who called to stay away from harmful habits gave their advice to young people. At the end, the creative team of the film was thanked and the necessary promotional materials prepared by the Working Group of the State Commission end "Know the truth about narcotics", "The truth about marijuana" and "The truth about psychotropic substances" were distributed among the participants of the event.

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