Information on the results of the fight against the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors throughout the country during the 9 months of 2022

  During the months of January-September 2022, the results of the fight against drug addiction and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors have been comparatively analyzed and summarized by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

    During the 9 months of the current year, a total of 8,694 criminal facts were discovered as a result of the complex search and operation measures implemented by the law enforcement agencies in the field of combating drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking. 2,941 of them were related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 5,286 were related to the illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs, 387 were related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 80 were related to other crimes of this category.

   According to the discovered facts,from illegal circulation in general 4 tons 827 kg 532,775 g and 32918 was pills, 524 pieces of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances of 1 ton 963 kg 632,152 g was heroin, 1 ton 706 kg 517,599 g was marijuana, 268 kg 584,935 g- wasc opium, 27 kg of 785,044 g was hashish, 260,95 g was cocaine, 130 kg of 847,843 g and 32,918 pills of other drugs, and 729 kg of 904,252 g and 524 psychotropic substances. Also, during the indicated period, 1 kg 485.4 g of powerful substances, 10 kg 037.6 g of toxic substances, 79853 pieces of hemp plants with narcotic properties were taken from illegal circulation.

  During the reporting period, 6,249 people were prosecuted for illegal drug trafficking, of which 6,079 were men and 170 were women. 74 of the people brought to criminal responsibility are citizens of foreign countries.

 Of the 74 citizens of foreign countries brought to responsibility, 36 are from the Islamic Republic of Iran, 8 from Georgia, 10 from Turkey, 2 from Turkmenistan, 1 from Kyrgyzstan, 1 from Pakistan, 2 from Ukraine, 1 from the Maldives and 13 from became a citizen of Russia. A total of 1 ton, 039 kg, 686,303 g and 4,178 pills of various types of narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as 16,759 pieces of narcotic hemp plants were taken from the citizens of foreign countries.

   During the 9th month of 2022, 210 facts related to the smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances into the territory of the country were discovered by law enforcement agencies, and the total weight of 2 tons, 298 kg, 696,168 grams and 33,550 pills, 2,048 capsules from the illegal circulation of those facts , 1470 g of MDA and 110 ml of different types of drugs and psychotropic substances were removed.

   In total, 292 of the detected crimes were committed in a group, and according to those facts, 1 ton of 518 kg, 303,994 g and 9,548 pills of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were confiscated from illegal circulation.

   2447 criminal acts were committed by previously convicted people and 504 kg 515.1 g of various types of narcotics and psychotropic substances were confiscated from them.

  During the reporting period, organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant institutions narcotic plants weighing 165 tons 756 kg 608.85 g were identified and destroyed in an appropriate manner from 530,883 hectares of land.

    The total value of 4 tons 827 kg 532,775 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances taken from illegal circulation is estimated as 168 million 635 000 AZN (99 million US dollars).

   2 tons 402 kilograms of different types of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and 28 697 pieces of hemp plants confiscated by the decisions of the courts on May 5-6 of the current year under the organization of the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics the destruction process has been carried out.

   The analysis shows that, compared to the 9th month of 2021, during the corresponding period of the current year, the total number of facts detected by law enforcement agencies related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances was 1957, including the number of facts related to illegal sale 501, without the purpose of sale The number of facts related to illegal acquisition and possession increased by 1484, the number of facts related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants by 21 facts, the number of smuggling facts by 44 facts, the number of foreign citizens by 29 people, the number of persons brought to responsibility increased by 1830 people, also, the number of other crimes of this category decreased by 3 cases.

In addition, the weight of drugs removed from illegal circulation was 354 kg 695,225 g, and the number of crimes committed in groups decreased by 10 facts.

   The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan sent 66,531 people to the National Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the determination of all types of intoxication cases during January-September of the current year.

   Among them, 1773 out of 2456 people who were medically examined to determine their drug use were found to be users, and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

   In the corresponding period, 4,710 people received inpatient treatment. Currently, 990 patients are receiving treatment in 3 centers under the methadone substitution treatment program.

  According to the information of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as of December 31, 2021, the number of people registered with the diagnosis of drug addiction in the country was 34,602. Of those people, 27106 people are dispensary, 7496 people are preventive registration. 556 of them are women. 24,850 people are opioid drug users, 9,752 are cannabinoid drug users.

  During the reporting period, 602 people were infected with Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In total, since 1987, 9,985 people with a ed HIV diagnosis have been registered at the Republican AIDS Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan (9,659 are Azerbaijani citizens, 326 are foreigners). 7114 of those infected with HIV are men and 2871 are women. 3542 of them were infected with HIV as a result of injecting drug use. 2,489 people from that category are currently registered in the dispensary.

   In accordance with the State Program, by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, purposeful work has been done in the direction of preventing the illegal circulation of drugs and the spread of drug addiction through education, using the possibilities of modern information technologies, and the institutions operating in this field coordination was organized, and as a result of mutual cooperation, the scope of public education work was expanded.

  During the reporting period, a total of 166 events (35 meetings with city/district commissions, 4 round tables on television channels, 78 educational events, 35 trainings at the representative offices of GIKM operating in cities and regions and other structures, 7 mass-cultural events, 3 sports tournament and 4 flash mobs) were organized.

   During the months of January-September of the current year, 1,542 citizen appeals were received by the "802" hotline telephone call service, of which 187 were related to illegal drug trafficking, 629 were related to drug addiction treatment, and 726 were related to other issues (re-applying, explaining the terms of the legislation, procedures for compulsory treatment, etc.).  816 letters were addressed to the relevant authorities for taking appropriate measures on the mentioned appeals.

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