A total of 37 events were organized in October of this year.

     With the organization and participation of the permanent Working Group of the State Commission, the following measures were carried out in October of the current year together with the relevant institutions:

  •  An educational event on "Social activism against harmful habits" was held at Baku Slavic University in accordance with the signed joint Action Plan for 2022 of the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party, the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking, and "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" Closed Joint Stock Company.
  •  The final stage of the basketball tournament was held under the motto "Young people choose a healthy lifestyle". The teams of Baku State University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku Business University, Baku State College of Communication and Transport, Baku Base Medical College № 2, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College participated in the tournament;
  •  Educational events were organized with the participation of representatives of the relevant institutions in order to strengthen the propaganda work among the prisoners in prisons No. 15 and 16 of the Penitentiary Service about the harm of drug addiction to society and human health within the framework of the implementation of the Action Plan approved between the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice and the Working Group of the State Commission;
  •  Committee employees were trained within the joint organization of the Working Group of the State Commission, the State Committee on Family, Women and Children"s Problems;
  •  A meeting was organized with commission members operating in Ganja, Mingachevir, Sheki, Goychay, Agdash, Goygol, Shamkir, Zagatala, Balaken, Gakh, Gabala and Ismayilli cities/districts in order to further strengthen and ensure the sustainability of propaganda and educational work, to study the implementation status of the evaluation of the implemented measures;
  •  Training was held in Ganja, Mingachevir, Sheki, Goychay, Agdash, Goygol, Shamkir, Zagatala, Balaken, Gakh, Gabala and Ismayilli offices of the Youth Development and Career Center according to the plan of events signed with the Youth Fund;
  •  An educational event on drug addiction was held in secondary boarding schools № 2 and № 11 for healthy children deprived of parental care;
  •  In cooperation with the Sabunchu District Executive Authority and the Baku Youth Center, an event on the fight against drug addiction was organized in the "Youth Center" of the district, and at the same time, a screening of the film "Once" was presented, commissioned by the Baku Youth Center;
  •  A seminar on the problem of drug addiction was held for students of secondary schools of Binagadi, Khatai, Khazar and Nasimi regions in order to implement the relevant clause of the Action Plan signed jointly with the Department of Education for Baku City;
  •  Training was organized on the organization of work against drug addiction with "Youth Anti-Drug Addiction" Public Union;
  •  Newly designed must-have visuals for "The Truth About Narcotics", "The Truth About Marijuana", and "The Truth About Psychotropic Substances" distributed in all organized training, round tables and events that was organized by the Working Group of the State Commission in October;
  •  Wide coverage of the series of events was provided in "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting" CJSC, Azerbaijan State Information Agency - (AZERTAC) and other mass media, including the official website of the State Commission www.nmdk.gov.az and social networks.

       Thus, during October of this year, a total of 37 events, 1 sports tournament, 8 educational events, 12 round tables with city/district commissions,12 trainings, 4 seminars for students of general education schools were organized in the representative offices of YDCC operating in cities and regions.

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