Training was held for specialists working with young people of cultural institutions

  The training was organized at the National Azerbaijan History Museum under the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture and the Working Group of the State Commission due to "Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and fight against drug addiction" regarding the implementation of clause 4.4.34 of the State Program for the years 2019-2024 and the "Action Plan covering the years 2022-2023 on the expansion of propaganda and educational work against drug addiction among teenagers and young people".

  In the training held with the participation of specialists working with young people of cultural institutions under the Ministry of Culture, the head of the sector of the permanent Working Group of the State Commission made a relevant presentation and in order to increase their knowledge and professionalism about the problem of drug addiction, the participants were given extensive information about the risk factors of drug use, the properties of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, the stages of drug addiction formation, the importance of anti-narcotic propaganda, methods of combating drug addiction, and discussions were held on the questions of interest to the participants. .

  At the end, the participants of the event were presented with certificates prepared by the Permanent Working Group of the State Commission.

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