Training was held in order to strengthen the fight against drug addiction.

    On January 25 of the current year, training on the problem of drug addiction was held for the deputy principals, class leaders and school psychologists of general education schools of Nizami district in order to implement the relevant clause of the Action Plan signed jointly with the State Commission for Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking with the Permanent Working Group of the Baku City Education Department

   The responsible employee of the permanent Working Group of the State Commission participated in the training and gave a presentation on the causes of drug addiction, mental and physical addiction to drugs, changes in behavior, preventive measures of educators and subject teachers, psychologists in the fight against drug addiction, and  gave extensive information about other issues.

   Finally, a manual on methodical recommendations and printed materials containing other necessary information were presented by the permanent Working Group of the State Commission in order to  help identify people who abuse narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

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