Information on the end of January-March 2023 on the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking

A total of 3173 criminal facts were detected as a result of the complex operational-search measures carried out by law enforcement agencies in the field of combating drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking during the months of January-March of this year. 1048 of them were related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 2087 were related to illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs, 17 were related to illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and 21 were related to other crimes of this category.

According to the discovered facts, 2 tons, 011 kg, 394,952 g of narcotics and psychotropic substances confiscated from illegal circulation of which 575 kg of 997,924 grams was heroin, 1 ton of 221 kg of 854,206 grams was marijuana, 67 kg of 073,092 grams was opium, 42 kg of 555,635 grams was hashish, 102 kg of 936,745 grams was psychotropic substances and  977,35 grams  was other drugs.

During the reporting period, 1972 people were brought to criminal responsibility related to illegal drug trafficking, of which 114 people were under 18-25 years old, 334 people were under 26-29 years old, and 1524 people were over 30 years old. 1934 of those people were men and 38 were women. 31 of the people brought to criminal responsibility are citizens of foreign countries.

14 of the 31 citizens of foreign countries brought to criminal responsibility were citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 9 of Turkey, 5 of the Russian Federation, and 3 of Georgia.

76 facts related to the smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances into the territory of the country were discovered by the law enforcement agencies and according to those facts, a total weight of 741 kg 185,912 g and 18,403 pills of methadone drugs and 1,540 capsules, 473 pills of powerful substances were removed from illegal circulation.

In total, 64 of the detected crimes were committed in a group, and 413 kg 844.2 g and 190 units of methadone narcotic drug and psychotropic substance were confiscated from the illegal circulation. 627 criminal acts were committed by previously convicted people and 368 kg 197.1 g of various types of narcotics and psychotropic substances were confiscated from them.

The total value of 2 tons, 011 kg, 394,952 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances taken from illegal circulation during January-March 2023 is estimated at 66 million 547 thousand 143 AZN.

The analysis shows that compared to the first quarter of 2022, during the corresponding period of 2023, the total number of facts detected by law enforcement agencies related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances was 378, including the number of facts related to illegal sales 38, the  number of facts related to illegal acquisition and storage without purpose is 339, the number of facts related to the illegal cultivation of narcotic plants is 1 fact, the number of crimes related to smuggling is 22 facts, the number of group crimes is 1 fact, the number of people brought to responsibility is 240 people, and the weight of drugs removed from illegal circulation increased by 130 kg 919.26 g.

During the relevant period of the current year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan referred 19,832 people to the Republican Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the determination of all types of intoxication cases. Among them, 347 out of 581 people who underwent medical examination to determine the use of drugs were found to be users, and necessary measures were taken in this regard.

According to the information provided by the Republican AIDS Center, there is a decrease in the number of new cases of human immunodeficiency virus infection among drug addicts in the country. During the past 3 months, 346 people were infected with HIV. 329 of them were citizens of Azerbaijan, and 17 were foreigners. Among the citizens of Azerbaijan, 25 people (7.6%) were injection drug users.

During the months of January-March 2023, the "802" hotline phone call service received 295 citizen appeals, of which 45 were related to illegal drug trafficking, 144 were related to drug addiction treatment, and 106 were related to other issues (repetition, explanation of the provisions of the legislation, procedures for compulsory treatment, etc.). 189 letters have been addressed to the relevant authorities to take appropriate measures on the mentioned appeals.

Thus, in order to prevent the spread of narcotics and drug addiction through the 802 hotline phone call service, in order to prevent the spread of narcotics and drug addiction, coordination with the relevant organizations and citizens was ensured in an operative manner, relevant criminal cases were initiated based on the information provided on the illegal circulation of narcotics, and a large amount of narcotics were seized from illegal circulation, narcotics users were directed to treatment in specialized medical institutions based on their voluntary requests, psychological support was provided to families suffering from drug addiction, and the provisions of the current legislation were explained and necessary recommendations were given.

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