Awareness training program was organized on "You are stronger" against drugs and their use.

"You are stronger" - an awareness training program against drugs and their use was organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports on April 14 of the current year for professionals working with young people (teachers, school psychologists, youth workers, employees of youth homes, cultural workers, etc.) for the purpose of early detection and support of those in the risk group in connection with the implementation of the relevant clause of the Action Plan for 2022-2023 on the expansion of propaganda and educational work against drug addiction among teenagers and young people.

The opening ceremony of the training was attended by the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, the Deputy Head of the Working Group of the State Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics, and an employee of the General Anti-Narcotics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the 2nd part of the training, the employees of the Working Group of the State Commission and the Republican Narcology Center spoke and gave detailed information about the tragedies caused by drug addiction, the fight against the illegal circulation of psychoactive substances, the destructive effects of drugs on the human body, including the effective organization of free time for teenagers and discussions were held around the questions that interested the participants.

In the end, the necessary propaganda materials prepared by the Working group of the State Commission end "Know the truth about narcotics", "The truth about marijuana" and "The truth about psychotropic substances" were distributed among the participants.

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